Our Story

Start you healthy lifestyle journey with AirFit Medi

Our Vision

AirFit Medi products undergo a battery of tests for effectiveness, durablity and safety before we decide that it's good enough to be sold to you- and yes, we also use them ourselves! We also remember that our customers are not just exercising at home or going to yoga studios only because often, fitness enthusiasts are involved in different types physical activities or sports- life is more interesting if its filled with variety right? AirFit Medi takes care of you multisport enthusiasts with our product range encompassing cycling, yoga, home gyming and of course health care and injury prevention and recovery. 

Our Mission

AirFit Medi is that sweet spot for the fitness products you want to buy offering you a balance of high quality and affordable prices. Too often, fitness products bought at low prices do not last as long as they should and end up being thrown away which damages our environment. Other brands on the other had  may be too highly priced and can deter you from buying them. Our market research and experience shows that consumers want both quality and affordability- that magical "Goldilocks balance"! Anyway, you don't need that much market research to know this- its a balance that just makes sense

Contact Us

AirFit Medi is committed to making the best and most affordable equipment for you. If you have any enquiries contact us at enquiry@airfitmedi.com